Claire Haus


Claire Haus is a Canadian comic & writer. She makes sketch videos online and does stand-up in 3D when it’s allowed by the authorities. Find her on Twitter & Instagram @claire_haus. TIKTOK gives her that feeling like she’s probably coming down with norovirus, so probably don’t find her there.

She is a 2019 So You Think You’re Funny finalist and her stand-up show Split the Bill with Josh Weller, Claire Haus & Suzie Preece sold out at the Edinburgh Fringe.

Haus has performed in theatre, sketch, improv, immersive theatre and large-scale artworks around the world, including in Toronto, London, Berlin, Chicago, Bogotá and Sarajevo. She also creates character videos on her Instagram account.

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Eddy Hare


Katharyn Henson